Letters | 11-21-15

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A responsible publication doesn’t run inaccurate letters from readers

A responsible publication doesn’t run inaccurate letters from readers

We all should know that letters, and editorials express the opinion of the writer, not the publisher. However, the hate-filled pack of lies written by Judy Taggerty is way too over the top for a responsible publication. She has a right to her opinions, but unfortunately her vitriolic misinformation will get repeated as fact.

Printing a letter alongside with essentially the same misinformation, makes it hard to assert balance.

Think before you publish, or at least put the disclaimer in front, not in a footnote.

Ken Obenski

Kaohe South Kona

Bringing refugees just adds to homelessness

I read about Gov. David Ige’s open arms plan to invite Syrian refugees into Hawaii. Frankly, what will happen if some of the jihad terrorists slip into our islands?

If the Europeans can’t even locate and control these extremists in their midst, how can our isolated island do any better?

The last thing we need in Hawaii is more people. We can’t even take care of the homeless problem that exists now and to invite more homeless is ridiculous.

Logistically, it’s not feasible and we, the taxpayers, will not agree to pay for their upkeep.

Colleen Miyose-Wallis


Show more aloha or leave

This letter is in response to Paul Prosise’s “Hawaii governor shouldn’t open door to refuges” and Judy Taggerty’s “My Turn” letters in West Hawaii Today on Nov. 19.

I thought Prosise’s letter was very offensive and Taggerty’s comments on the Muslims are disgusting and despicable.

All I can say is that they should leave Hawaii and seek refuge in one of the states that share their views as they are devoid of aloha and are not welcome in the aloha state.

Burton Y. Ito


Take care of us first

Gov. Ige,

Have you not noticed how many homeless residences we have? How many people need to go to the food bank and how many need mental health care and can’t get it?

How about you take care of our own people before you open our doors to help others?

Holly Bell


Hindsight is great

I just have to laugh.

This is just too much.

Reports coming out of Kauai that airfares are too high and something needs to be done immediately. Maybe we need another airline or perhaps a ferry. This is the place where a few surfers (there is a high tax bracket bunch) went out into the harbor and blocked the Superferry. No one ever stops to think of the results. It’s just the feel-good moment that counts.

Of course we need alternate means of travel. Population is increasing constantly with little regard for infrastructure. Oil and gas prices are down but airfares keep going up.

If you want a discount, book a flight from the mainland. There’s the deals. Once the suckers are here, we have them trapped into higher interisland rates. Residents be damned. It’s the bottom line that counts. And don’t forget righteous indignation.

Churc Krzeminski
